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September Breakfast Meeting ~ Speaker: Tom Black "Foundations of Success"

  • 13 Sep 2011
  • 7:00 AM
  • Stones River Country Club


Registration is closed

                         Tom Black

Tom Black has a long track record of success as a business leader.  He has led several top companies, providing innovative marketing and technology solutions.  In college, Tom worked for the Southwestern Company of Nashville, Tennessee.  Southwestern employs thousands of college students each summer to sell books door-to-door.  Based on his success in sales (No. 1 for three successive summers), Tom became a sales manager at Southwestern.  Tom joined FISI*Madison Financial and successfully ran the sales organization’s benefit consultants division.  Tom grew the division’s sales from less than $1 million to over $350 million, but left FISI*Madison to start Private Business, Inc. 

Under his leadership as CEO, Private Business grew into the country’s leading provider of accounts receivable programs for community banks and their commercial customers.  Tom served as CEO for six years and took the company public in May of 1999.  He served on the board of directors until February 2003.  In January 1999, Tom and a business partner purchased Bancsource, Inc., a company that sells equipment and provides hardware maintenance to community banks.  Tom formed a sister company, Imagic Corporation, that develops and supports check-imaging systems to community banks.  As CEO, Tom expanded both companies from small regional providers to national sales and service organizations.  Imagic grew quickly, merged with OSI and went public. 

Under his leadership, Bancsource has gone from a regional company to serving 3,000 banks in 49 states.  Tom remains Chairman of the Board for Bancsource.  More recently, Tom has founded the Tom Black Center for Excellence.  Based in Nashville, Tennessee, The Tom Black Center for Excellence, a member of the National Speakers Association (NSA), offers customized sales training services to national clients of all sizes in a wide range of fields.  Areas of specialization include basic sales skills, key account strategies, sales management training and keynote speeches.  (www.tomblackcenter.com)

 Tom has also partnered with Mark Victor Hansen, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, to form “Mega Success.”  These one-day seminars in major markets feature Mark Victor Hansen, Art Linkletter, Tom, and other entrepreneurs, authors, and personal success trainers.

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